Our Location

      2815 Lexington Ave.,

      Ashland, KY 41101


      JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC injectable gel is the first and only filler FDA-approved to instantly add volume to the cheek area. It gives you a subtle lift, helping to restore contour and give you a more youthful profile, for up to 2 years, in patients over the age of 21. VOLUMA XC loss in the cheeks is a major reason we lose that youthful profile over the years. With VOLUMA XC people perceive themselves to look 5 years younger 6 months after treatment, and 3 years younger 24 months after treatment. It contains a modified hyaluronic acid (HA), derived from a naturally occurring complex sugar which is why it looks natural and feels natural.

      Before and After


      Before and After


      #1 Injector of Dermal Facial Fillers in the Tri-State Area Including Ashland, Kentucky; Huntington, West Virginia; and Portsmouth, Ohio.

      Serving the Ashland KY, Huntington WV and Portsmouth OH Tri-State Area!

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How Long Does VOLUMA® XC Work?

      JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is injected under the skin with a small needle. It works instantly to add volume and subtly lift the cheek area, temporarily reversing this sign of aging.

      How Long Does VOLUMA® XC Last?

      The more youthful profile you can achieve from the procedure lasts up 2 years with optimal treatment.

      What Happens Before VOLUMA® XC Treatment?

      Before VOLUMA® XC, the patient should stop all medications that can thin the blood which will help alleviate injection site bruising. (i.e.: Aspirin, Advil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Multivitamins, most herbs, and homeopathic remedies, St. John's wart, etc.).

      What Happens Post-Care for VOLUMA® XC Treatment?

      Bruising at the injection site is common which can be easily covered by makeup. Temporary swelling can be expected which can be treated with cold compresses for several hours. It is normal to experience some tenderness at the treatment site for a few days. Avoid the sun and tanning beds for 3-5 days.

      Serving the Ashland KY, Huntington WV and Portsmouth OH Tri-State Area!

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