Our Location

      2815 Lexington Ave.,

      Ashland, KY 41101

      PRP Bio-filler

      What is BioFiller?

      BioFiller is made from your very own platelet rich plasma (PRP/PRF) which is harvested from YOU at the time of your appointment and processed using specialized protocols. BioFiller mimics other hyaluronic fillers but contains your very own human growth factors which stimulates collagen. BioFiller can be performed anywhere on the body.

      How long does BioFiller last?

      BioFiller results can be seen up to 18 months, but is safe to perform as many times as the patient requests.

      BioFiller Pre-Care: Avoid blood-thinning medications & supplements like fish-oil, ibuprofen & aspirin (just to name a few) at least 48hrs prior to your service. IF you are experiencing a “cold sore” near the treatment area, we advise you WAIT until it is completely healed. IF you are prone to getting cold sores, we can prescribe Valtrex at the time of your service to the pharmacy of your choice. IF you already have an anit-viral medication you should start taking it three days prior to your appointment. On the day of your appointment, PLEASE drink EXTRA water and eat a light meal prior to your procedure.

      BioFiller Post Care: There is little to NO downtime. Bruising is always a risk with injections, but typically nothing that can’t be covered with makeup. Just like with our PRP treatments, swelling is to be expected for the first few days due to our body’s natural healing process. It is recommended to complete a series of three treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve the best results.

      Before / After

      PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment PRP Bio-filler Ashland KY - Before & After Treatment

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